Crème Couture Bouquet


Delicately crafted for the refined palate, the Crème Couture bouquet blends the ethereal beauty of soft white roses with lush peonies and elegant sprigs of baby’s breath. Touched with a hint of silvery green eucalyptus, this arrangement exudes a timeless grace reminiscent of Chanel’s classic charm. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or as a chic gesture of appreciation, each stem is carefully selected to ensure a display of pristine sophistication and understated luxury.

Recommendation for Flower Orders:

To ensure the best service, we recommend pre-ordering your flowers. Same-day delivery is subject to seasonal flower availability and cannot be guaranteed. For same-day delivery, orders must be placed between 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. If your selected flowers are unavailable, we will arrange a substitute bouquet that closely matches your chosen arrangement.

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Delicately crafted for the refined palate, the Crème Couture bouquet blends the ethereal beauty of soft white roses with lush peonies and elegant sprigs of baby’s breath. Touched with a hint of silvery green eucalyptus, this arrangement exudes a timeless grace reminiscent of Chanel’s classic charm. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or as a chic gesture of appreciation, each stem is carefully selected to ensure a display of pristine sophistication and understated luxury.

Recommendation for Flower Orders:

To ensure the best service, we recommend pre-ordering your flowers. Same-day delivery is subject to seasonal flower availability and cannot be guaranteed. For same-day delivery, orders must be placed between 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. If your selected flowers are unavailable, we will arrange a substitute bouquet that closely matches your chosen arrangement.

Delicately crafted for the refined palate, the Crème Couture bouquet blends the ethereal beauty of soft white roses with lush peonies and elegant sprigs of baby’s breath. Touched with a hint of silvery green eucalyptus, this arrangement exudes a timeless grace reminiscent of Chanel’s classic charm. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or as a chic gesture of appreciation, each stem is carefully selected to ensure a display of pristine sophistication and understated luxury.

Recommendation for Flower Orders:

To ensure the best service, we recommend pre-ordering your flowers. Same-day delivery is subject to seasonal flower availability and cannot be guaranteed. For same-day delivery, orders must be placed between 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. If your selected flowers are unavailable, we will arrange a substitute bouquet that closely matches your chosen arrangement.